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What tech languages and frameworks is ROOK compatible with?
What tech languages and frameworks is ROOK compatible with?
Brenda Azeredo avatar
Written by Brenda Azeredo
Updated over a week ago

Our SDKs have official documentation available here, and we also provide additional documentation on GitHub to offer our clients enhanced guidance. Each framework has a collection of demo apps that client developers can use to learn how to implement our products effectively.

We are compatible with:

  • Flutter

  • React Native

  • Android

  • iOS

  • Capacitor (Ionic)


  • Flutter Monolith (iOS and Android):


  • Android Monolith:

React Native

  • RN-iOS Monolith

  • RN-Android Monolith


  • iOS Monolith

Capacitor (Ionic)

  • iOS Monolith

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