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Integrating with WHOOP

How to Set Up a Developer Account with Whoop and Integrate with ROOK

Brenda Azeredo avatar
Written by Brenda Azeredo
Updated over a week ago

Incorporating Whoop's comprehensive fitness and wellness data into your digital health services can be a game changer. This guide provides a structured approach to setting up a Whoop developer account and sharing the necessary information with ROOK for seamless integration.

Step 1: Register for a Whoop Developer Account

Your first step is to register for a developer account with Whoop. This will grant you access to their API, which is essential for integration with ROOK. Visit the Whoop Developer Portal and complete the registration process.

Step 2: Create an Application

After obtaining your developer account, proceed to create an application within the Whoop Developer Portal. This step is crucial as it generates the API credentials needed for integration. When creating your application, provide necessary details such as the name of your application, its purpose, and how it will use the Whoop data.

Step 3: Configure API Settings and Callback URL

In your application settings, you will need to configure various API parameters. Most importantly, set up a callback or redirect URL. This URL will handle the flow of data from Whoop to your server and subsequently to ROOK. Ask ROOK to provide this URL that can handle these requests, ensuring that it’s properly set up to manage data securely and efficiently.

Step 4: Obtain API Credentials

Once your application is configured, Whoop will provide you with API credentials, typically a Client ID and a Client Secret. These credentials are vital as they authenticate interactions between your application and Whoop’s API.

Step 5: Share Credentials with ROOK

Securely share your Whoop API credentials (Client ID and Secret) with ROOK. This enables ROOK to set up the necessary configurations on our end to receive data from Whoop through your application.

Step 6: Test the Integration

Before going live, it's important to test the integration. Use ROOK’s platform to authenticate a test account and ensure that the data flow from Whoop to your services via ROOK is working correctly. Testing helps in identifying and fixing any issues before the integration is deployed for end-users.

Step 7: Apply for Production Access

Once testing is successful, apply for production access on the Whoop Developer Portal. This is a critical step to switch from a development to a production environment, allowing real user data to be processed and utilized.


By following these steps, you can successfully integrate Whoop’s fitness and wellness data into your digital health services through ROOK. This integration will enhance your offerings by providing in-depth fitness and wellness insights.

For any further assistance or queries, please don’t hesitate to contact our support team at ROOK.

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